I'm trying to re-love my paintings again, my blog and my Facebook page www.facebook.com/caralara72 (nice little plug there). I have neglected all lately.
As I said in a previous
post I have been doing an Art Therapy course, well, last essay finished today and to be submitted and last session tomorrow night. So what do do next? I'm planning on taking a Life Coaching course which runs for 6 months, this should give me time to work out my next steps. The Life Coaching course will hopefully go hand in hand with what i've learned at Uni, although I am far from an Art Therapist and the likelihood is slim slim slim, I can use the skills that i've learned. I'm happy with that!
I have also been approached to submit a piece of work to an art auction to raise funds for an exhibition. Yay I so want to do this, but worried, what if it didn't sell! I would feel such a fool.
I have also approached someone locally and suggested 'art workshops' in a local space. They are very interested and hoping something will come of this.
And....i've started a new
website which is now home to most of my portfolio. I've also started work on a new online
workshop 'Expressing through play'. Pop over, send me a message, give me your thoughts and ideas...i'd love to hear them.
Planning my little workshop
Today, i've painted a bit. I've picked up a piece that wasn't finished, but i'm struggling with it.....where to go next?
During my week off work i took the opportunity to tidy my art room and on going through my crafting materials realised i hadn't made anything for ages, so i spent a few days making cards! It was so therapeutic even though I won't use them :)
And, operation make me happy.......
It has been the loooooongest coldest winter and I've not been very productive. I've eaten way too much and it's now time to lose that horrible winter weight! I've hated the fact that it was dark early, curtains closed and shut in side for months. Now it's time.....operation GET HAPPY!